How to avoid complicating property division issues

For many Massachusetts spouses, the decision to end a marriage marks a stressful and emotional time. Making matters worse, it can be hard to project how one’s finances will shift as the divorce process moves forward, and many worry that they will run into financial trouble at some point before the final property division settlement is reached. To lessen these fears, many spouses set up a ‘secret’ bank account or cash to get them through the divorce. There are a number of benefits to having access to one’s own money while a divorce is pending. In some cases, the other spouse will react badly to the divorce, and may restrict access to shared bank accounts or other sources of family assets. This can leave the other spouse with little funding to pay for their legal needs or the cost of daily living. Other times, the decision to set aside some money provides a sense of security, even if that funding is never needed. However, there are risks associated with setting up a hidden savings account. One issue involves the risk that one’s spouse could make an accusation that the act of setting aside money is in effect hiding family assets. This could have negative effects on one’s divorce process, especially if the case goes before a judge. The best way to mitigate this risk is to simply fund the account with assets and income that is strictly your own property. This can come from assets that were brought into the

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Property division the second or third time around

When a Massachusetts marriage ends in divorce, some newly single people jump right back into the love game. For some, the end of their marriage left them feeling a bit defeated, and the urge is strong to get back out there and find love. For others, infidelity on the part of their former partner has left them in need of validation and vulnerable to entering into another bad relationship. However, it is important to realize that many second and third marriages also end in divorce, and issues such as property division become more complicated the second time around. Statistics show that the divorce rate for first marriages sits between 40 and 50 percent. For those in their second marriage, that number jumps to as high as 60 to 67 percent. And for unions in which at least one spouse is on their third try, the chance of divorce is a staggering 70 to 73 percent. By the time most spouses complete their first divorce, their net worth may be reduced due to alimony or child support obligations and the outcome of property division. This leaves individuals with less as they enter into their second marriage. If that union also ends in divorce, the resulting division of assets could be financially devastating. When considering a second or subsequent marriage, it is important to take a close look at the reasons for and results of one’s first divorce. Identifying the issues that led to the split can help to avoid making the

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Getting help with financial needs during divorce

Massachusetts couples who are in the beginning stages of divorce are often overwhelmed by the sheer volume of decisions that must be made. For many couples, issues surrounding finances are chief among their concerns. Understanding the budgetary fallout of a divorce and anticipating future financial needs is imperative to the future success of both spouses, and this is one area in which it makes sense to hire a professional to guide the process. One area if concern involves alimony, and the tax implications for both the paying and receiving spouse. Tax issues are further complicated by the division of shared assets. Liquidating certain types of assets can result in heavy tax penalties, and can reduce the value of an investment by as much as 50 percent. This is an area in which a financial advisor can assist by mapping out the projected tax consequences for each party under a variety of scenarios. For example, there may be instances in which it makes more financial sense to accept less alimony in exchange for retaining certain assets. This allows the asset to transfer hands without a tax hit. It can also minimize the tax burden associated with receiving alimony. On the flip side, a Massachusetts spouse who pays alimony will not pay taxes on that portion of their income. This should be taken into consideration when dividing assets, and it may make sense for that party to retain a greater share of the couple’s assets. While there are a wide range of

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Property division issues often rely on real estate appraisals

Massachusetts couples who are preparing for divorce have a number of issues to consider. For many, property division ranks high among the priorities, and rightfully so. The financial decisions made during divorce can have lasting repercussions for both parties and, therefore, must be made wisely. In determining how real property will be divided between spouses, it is important to understand how property appraisals can affect the process. Regardless of whether the family home will be sold or retained by one spouse, obtaining a real estate appraisal is an important step. A professional appraisal will look closely at recently sold properties in the same geographic area and of the same basic type and style. This data will be used to calculate an estimation of the value of the home in the current real estate market. Once the value has been determined, it can be easier to negotiate the terms of how real property will be divided in the divorce. For example, if the home is to be sold and it appears that the proceeds will not fully cover the cost of the sale, both parties will be able to plan around the eventual out-of-pocket expense of selling the home. In fact, it may make more sense for one party to remain in the home until the real estate market improves and a sale will net a profit instead of a loss. When considering the appraised value of a piece of real property, it is essential that both parties keep in mind

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Deion Sanders custody decision seen as fathers’ rights win

Massachusetts sports fans may be aware of the custody battle waged between football star Deion Sanders and his estranged wife, Pilar. The former couple has been at odds with one another for months concerning the care and custody of their three children, as well as details of their divorce. A recent court decision in the matter is being heralded as a major victory for fathers’ rights. The pair went before a family court judge to argue for the right to parent their three children in the manner each saw fit. After hearing testimony and reviewing evidence in the case, the judge made a ruling that divides parenting duties between the parties. The ruling grants both parents shared/joint custody of the three children. All three are to rotate between the two households on a weekly basis, whereas the previous arrangement placed the two boys in Deion’s care and the daughter in the care of her mother. Deion will retain the right to make all educational decisions, and will also have control of decisions involving their athletic pursuits. More importantly, Deion will have the right to determine their place of residence, which can be significant in any future hearings on the matter. This case demonstrates that family court judges in Massachusetts and elsewhere have a great deal of leeway in making determinations involving child custody. As long as the best interests of the child or children at the center of a custody dispute are being served, a judge can order a wide

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International divorce can complicate property division issues

Massachusetts couples in which one or more parties hold dual citizenship status may find a recent report of interest. The piece outlines some of the difficulties that can arise when dual citizenship enters into play in a divorce proceeding. The introduction of multiple jurisdictions can seriously complicate a divorce, including issues of child custody and property division. For such couples, understanding these issues can help prevent an unfair advantage for one party if a divorce is on the horizon. The primary issue in these types of cases involves the proper jurisdiction in which the divorce will take place. In the vast majority of cases, the nation in which the couple resides at the time a divorce is initiated is the one that holds jurisdiction in the matter. This means that the laws and procedures in place within that nation will be the ones used to determine the details of the divorce. For couples in countries in which women have very few rights, the outcome of a divorce could be a drastically unfair division of property which could leave the wife with virtually nothing. On the other hand, if a divorce takes place in a country in which the assumption is that children are always better cared for by the mother, a husband could find himself with very little legal access to his children following a divorce and custody proceeding. Other concerns include the likelihood that another country will cooperate with the return of a child to the United States in

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Daughter returned in emotional fathers’ rights case

The majority of child custody cases in Massachusetts and elsewhere center on two parents struggling over the care and control of their shared children. Family courts see a wide range of custody issues, however, and one recent case demonstrates an unusual scenario. The outcome is being viewed as a significant win for fathers’ rights. The case involves a father whose child was adopted without his knowledge or consent. The man is a drill sergeant in the United States Army, and was transferred out-of-state just before his wife was scheduled to give birth to their first child. His wife, however, had different plans, and arranged to put the child up for adoption just days after her husband left the state. She told the adoption agency that her husband had abandoned the family and had no interest in their child. The adoption agency located an adoptive family and placed the child. When the father found out what had happened to his child in June 2011, he contacted the adoption agency and demanded that his child be returned to him. The agency chose to ignore his complaint, and proceeded to finalize the adoption. The father filed for child custody, and in a recent hearing a family court judge ruled that the child must be returned to her father by Jan. 16. While this case is unusual, it does serve as a reminder of the importance of taking immediate and aggressive legal action when one’s parental rights are threatened, in Massachusetts and elsewhere. This

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Same-sex couple struggles to divorce, hits legal roadblock

Virtually all of America has become embroiled in the debate over the rights of same-sex couples to marry. When considering the issue, the focus is on the rights of people who love one another to form legally binding family units that share the same rights enjoyed by heterosexual couples. It is often forgotten that other legal rights are also connected to the right to marry in Massachusetts, namely, the right to divorce. When a same-sex marriage is solidified in one state, and the couple chooses to reside in a different state, the divorce process can become complicated. That is because states that do not recognize same-sex marriages have no legal basis to issue same-sex divorces. This scenario is currently being played out in a widely covered divorce case involving a transgendered man and his wife. The couple made the news previously due to the fact that the husband, who has undergone hormone therapy and has had his driver’s license changed to reflect his status as a male, made the decision to give birth to the couple’s three children. Multiple television appearances and a book deal followed. When the couple decided to divorce, they encountered difficulty when the family court judge raised questions about the nature of their marriage. At issue in the case is whether the husband is to be legally considered a man or a woman. The issue is further clouded, at least in the mind of the judge, by the fact that the husband has gestated three children

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